Sunday, May 30, 2010
I can't sleep. You would think that when the baby is resting peacefully in her crib all night, I would take the opportunity to do the same. But no...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ok, I have a confession to make...
I am totally addicted to shopping and buying as much stuff as I possibly can for as little as possible. Now most of you might not think that this is such a problem...but it is. I have no room. My apartment is a mess & every possible shelf is crammed full. I need a HOUSE. Someday soon...I hope.
Take this for example. This was one shopping trip.
Another confession...I have too much stuff that I want to do. Instead of focusing on one or two activities and being excellent at those things, I always manage to find a million things I want to do. Not only am I not able to accomplish everything I want to do, I end up being mediocre at best. This is frustrating. I wish I could just be GREAT at everything! :) Yes, that would be nice.
So one of my million projects included making Cora a dress for a baby contest. I like it, but I am not entirely impressed. It was a good first try but I know I can do better. This is not perfect so I think I will try again.
baby dress,
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I found my camera cord today! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Ok now it is a time for a true update!
So this weekend was our anniversary to we took a little road trip to southern California! We had such a great time! Cora stayed home thanks to a few willing babysitters! It was nice to have a break from changing diapers and cleaning the house but by the end I was really ready to get back to my baby girl. Ben and I left on Thursday night after he got off work and made it all the way to Barstow, California before we stopped for a little nap. On Friday we used our trusty GPS to get us to LA but instead of taking us to down town LA, we were led to the actual geographic center of LA which happens to be Beverly Hills. It was quite the adventure. In the afternoon we went to Magic Mountain and Ben talked me into riding some pretty intense rides. After that we went over to Ben's grandma's house and had dinner before we drove to Huntington Beach. Luckily when we got to Huntington Beach we found a McDonald's where we were able to connect to the internet and find a great room at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine for really cheap! It was awesome! On Saturday we spent the day at the beach! I LOVE the beach! Saturday night we drove to St. George where we stayed the night. Sunday we arrived home to our little princess.
In other news Cora has decided that sleeping in her crib isn't so bad after all! It is amazing. I wake up refreshed and apparently she does too. She has been all smiles and giggles! So cute. Also I found a really cute pattern for a dress that I want to make Cora for the Freedom Foundation's baby contest! I also got a great deal on a sewing machine at Walmart so soon you will see the results of that. Ben and I also have a new niece, Tena Lucy Robertson born on May 22 (my birthday)! On June 8th we get to find out whether we are getting another niece or nephew and Kenny comes home so soon! Life is good. Oh yeah, and Ben is now the production manager at Design Imaging, officially! :) Go Ben.
Dear Blog, you have not been neglected. I have just been really busy doing things that I have to do, the not so fun things like cleaning the house and grocery shopping. Just be assured next post will be fabulous to make up for lost time.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Baby Contest
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
California Here We Come
What does this...

In other news, Cora has decided that she is ok entertaining herself! I am so grateful. I was able to lay her down in her crib while I got ready this morning and I even had a moment of peace to put some makeup on! It was great. Cora has also decided that she doesn't need any sleep, she has only taken one small nap all day. That I am not so grateful for...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Today Cora is 2 months, 9 days. She had her two week checkup and apparently she is a lightweight, tipping the scales at a whopping 8 pounds 6 ounces. That means she is in the bottom 2 percentile for her weight. Guess we should start feeding her eh? Last time we went to the doctor they told me I was feeding her too much, and now they say shes too small. Nice. Cora also her first set of shots, and barely even cried! Such a good girl! I have pictures but who know where the camera cord is?
Hello Blog!
So I have been meaning to do this for a while now but I somehow always find something else to occupy my time...imagine that. I would much rather be reading blogs than updating my own but I guess there has to be some give and take! Hopefully this will keep everyone updated with life as we know it! This is by no means a guarantee that I am going to be a consistent blogger...let's see how this goes!
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