Friday, August 27, 2010
Dang it! My summer is basically OVER as of tonight. Well I have the weekend of course but that doesn't really count. And then it is back to school again! As if life isn't busy enough huh? I feel like I never see my husband as it is but soon he will be working all day, I will kiss him goodbye as we trade off the baby and I run out the door to make it to class on time and maybe he will get a kiss before bed (if were lucky). The plan was to take mostly fun classes sprinkled with some prereqs for MBA school. I didn't really want to leave Cora with a babysitter so I decided to plan my classes only at night (plus as of right now, we only own one car making it difficult for me to go to school when Ben has the car at work)! As it turns out all of the night classes are at the same time. Tuesday and Thursday nights. What does that leave for Monday and Wednesday night? Thats right. Math. I promised myself that I would never take another math class yet that is what I am signed up for as of now. I am trying desperately to find something, anything else. Gah. This isn't looking so fun after all but you see I already spent all that extra tuition money on a new iMac! Was it worth it. Definitely yes.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Movie Review
So yesterday on our "sick day" Cora and I took advantage of our free Netflix trial and watched two movies: UP! and Sunny With a Chance of Meatballs. I must say that I really loved both movies. They were so cute! Up is quite possibly my favorite animated movie EVER! It is seriously so cute. Sunny With a Chance of Meatballs is up there too! :) What will I watch today? Any suggestions?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Oh boy, I just signed up for a free 2 week subscription to Netflix. You know where to find me for the next 14 days! Snuggled up in my bed, with my little one, in front of my 27 inch computer monitor watching the latest and greatest. No but really, that is the plan for today. Cora has had a little cold for the past few days so we are trying to help her get some rest today. What a perfect way to spend the day! As for the other 13 days, well that was just wishful thinking. I think we will start with Up!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Scott Pilgrim VS The World
Can I just say that this happens to be the dumbest movie that I have ever seen in my entire life! Wow. Did I really just spend money to see that? So take my advice and SPARE yourself. It was really that bad. I wasn't really sure what I was getting myself into when I offered to take my sister in law to the movies. But its not her fault. The previews are misleading. Yeah I laughed a few times but wow. I am still in awe of its stupidity.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My Wishlist
This is bad news. There are a few things I decided that I really want right now but they are definitely not needs! The good news is that my wishlist is not long...well it probably could be longer ;). But the bad news is that everything that I want is pretty pricey. Dang. I guess I will have to prioritize. Here is the list:
1) A new computer. The biggest problem here is I can't decide whether I want a Mac or a PC. I have a Mac now and I love it, but they are SOOOO spendy. I guess we will have to see. Also since I have a Mac now, I am not really sure how to transfer all of my info to a PC. Probably should figure that out.
2) I want a new digital SLR camera. I don't need something super fancy, just something that I can take some nice pictures with.
3) Photoshop. This kind of goes along with the last one.
Guess it is time to start saving!
I am a blog slacker. Really. But it has been a busy busy week! Hopefully things will start to calm down soon and I will have more time to blog. (Wishful thinking since school starts in a week and a half). Oh well.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Child Proofing
Ok! Big news! Cora is now rolling over consistently. Next, she will be crawling. If she could figure out the whole arm thing, she would already be moving. Boy are we in trouble. Before we know it, she will be into everything! Time to start baby proofing.
Also, we spent the weekend up in Teton Valley, Idaho for a family reunion. We had a great time, but more on that tomorrow. It is bed time!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Eyes Bluer Than The Sky
Ok. So the whole time I was pregnant, I was hoping that my little one would have blue eyes like her daddy. I wasn't really counting on it though, since I have very brown eyes--and let's face it, brown eyes are definitely dominant. Well, I definitely got a blue-eyed girl and I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse! Everyone comments on how blue her eyes are. People have been asking Ben if he has a baseball bat to beat off the boys. Oh man. I think we may be in trouble!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Hello, It's Official: I HAVE GONE CRAZY
Ok. So we are getting Ben's school situation figured out, and let me tell you-it is crazy. He decided to change his major so instead of having 40 credits left to graduate, he has 76. Almost double. Since he has to work full time, we figure it will take him about 2.5-3 years. Well I just decided I want to get my MBA. Sweet huh? That means I will spend this school year taking classes to cushion my GPA (since its all paid for!), preparing for the GMAT or GRE, and trying to figure out financial aid. Pretty awesome huh? It's crazy but I figure why not? I will most likely get pretty good financial aid and can be done at about the same time that Ben is! Uh, wish me luck?
Monday, August 9, 2010
Uh? Is today really the 9th??
Wow. Time is going by too fast. And guess what? My little Cora is 5 months old today! That is almost half a year. That is old! Well now really, but boy she is getting big and growing super fast. She is learning more and more everyday. And we still love her to death, imagine that.

True Love
I found this quote today and I love it!
"True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion." — Gordon B.Hinckley
Love you, Ben.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Seven Peaks
Locked Up
I have been basically locked up for the last week and a half since my surgery. I can't drive and Ben works all day, meaning I am stuck at home since I can't really walk to far with my huge boot. And I am getting extremely bored. If I new how to hook the cable up, I would be a little better off. But there is only so much laying around you can do! I want to run! By the time I am actually able to do anything on my own, school is going to start and I am going to wish that I could just sit here and be lazy again. I guess I could just not go back? Yeah right. I am getting paid so I might as well take advantage of it right? I am determined that as soon as Ben gets home from work today, we are going to get out of the house, and I am going to get some actual people interaction. Well, besides my interaction with our 5 month old. Those conversations are a little bit onesided.
Oh, and I have a bunch of really cute pictures and videos of Cora that I want to post but no, my camera cord has run away again.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
So today I am just sitting here a home, paying a few bills and playing with my sweet baby Cora. Well someone knocks on the door. I get up to answer it but since I am still fairly handicapped and gimpy, it takes me a while to get there. By the time I arrive at the door, there is an envelope being pushed through the crack. I have just enough time to look through the peep whole to see a woman, one I do not recognize, walking away from our door. I open the blank envelope and inside I find a piece of white paper with only the words "thanks" written in pencil and $15 dollars in cash. I am racking my brain trying to figure out with this is in reference to and I have know idea. Was it given to us by mistake? We will probably never know. But hey, thanks!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
If there is one thing I hate, its talking about money i.e. budgeting. Although I am careful with money, I have never been able to create or keep a budget. It's not so much that I don't like the restrictions of a budget, I just become very stressed looking where all the money is going. Obviously that is not smart, but we've made it this far, right? On top of that, I have to be the one that handles the money and pays the bills. As stressful as it is, I would be extremely stressed not being in charge. Well, for the sake of Ben's sanity I finally gave in and made a budget! All I can say is we are truly blessed right now. I am able to stay at home with our sweet Cora because Ben works so hard and does a great job providing for our family. I can't say how grateful I am for that. I do get a little cabin fever once in a while, especially lately since I can't drive let alone barely even walk.
Anyway, budgets are hard! I hate how one unexpected bill can seemingly ruin the whole budget. Like for example, our apartment complex never switched the water over to us when we moved in. So Monday we get a bill for almost 4 months worth of water bills. Lucky for us, I already paid the car insurance up front, so that will not end up being an expense this month. What I am saying is it will all work out! I am just going to be patient and hopefully at the end of the month I can report back successfully!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Crying, Screaming, and Naptime
Lately Cora has lost her newborn cry. Instead, when she is mad, she SCREAMS bloody murder. Usually this happens when its naptime. You can tell she is tired but she must think she is going to miss something exciting by going to sleep. Silly little girl.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I LOVE the Bachelorette. I haven't always been a fan but one night I was looking for something to watch on Hulu and I have been hooked ever since. Anyways, tonight is the finale. I am definitely hoping Ali picks Chris. He has been my favorite since day one. But from the sounds of it, she may leave a single lady!! AH. I can't wait to see what happens. I hope I don't get disappointed.
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