Cora and I just got back from a week-long trip to Oregon to visit my parents. Luckily we flew so traveling was not that bad and Cora did great on the plane rides. She even got her own seat both times which was such a blessing because I don't think that there was any chance of her sitting on my lap the whole time. Plus, as it turns out, planes make me sick. Especially when we choose to sit over the wing. Unfortunately I was a slacker and didn't take any pictures while we were gone. Luckily, my parents are coming down in a few weeks for the fourth of July and then my brother Kenny is getting married in August so we will have plenty of opportunities to take pictures this summer.
Other exciting news is that Cora is learning to talk. Most the time you have to decipher what she is saying but some things she says loud and clear. I am not sure if I am excited for her to talk. I mean it will really be nice to actually be able to have a two way conversation with her, but I am not so sure I want her repeating some of the thing she hears me (and others) say.
Cora has also become quite infatuated with the toilet. She has been semi potty trained for about a month now (read: she knows that the toilet is for her potty and well go anytime I put her on there; she often tells me she needs to go--clearly saying "I'm pooping" (I think she learned this little gem of a phrase from dear daddy) but mommy is kind of slow on the signals). The bad thing is she things that everything goes in the toilet. The other day it was her bottle. Today--daddy's cell phone.
We also transferred Cora to a "big girl bed" about a month and a half ago and she has done great! She knows how to get in and out of her bed when she is just playing around but when its naptime or bedtime she will stay put. If she wants out she will just jibber jabber until someone finally hears her. If that takes too long, she will just scream, notifying us that she would really like permission to leave her bed. As soon as we open the door to her room she knows she is free.
In other news, my new job was supposed to start this week but has been postponed for another two weeks. I am a little sad because I was looking forward to making a little extra cash, but I am also glad because I have a little more time for myself for a while. And with that time I have mostly been reading. I forgot that I do actually like to read now that I finally have time to read things that I want to.
Last night we took Cora to her first ever Rodeo. I think she has a new dream of being a rodeo princess. She mostly loved the bulls. I took her back to the pens to look at the horses and bulls and she wanted to pet them so bad. Um crazy. The bulls scare me!
Look forward to more frequent blog post and pictures in the near future (ok, this is not a promise but hey it might happen...think happy thoughts!)