Because Cora is starting to communicate better, we are thinking that it is time to start potty-training. Cora's therapists all tell me it is too early for her still, but I think she is picking up on it rather quickly. I cannot wait to be done with diapers!
Ben has been keeping super busy with school and work, but he is doing really well with both as well as helping out a ton around the house. It is great! He has to be to work by 5 am, and this morning he woke up extra early to do all of the dishes before he left. I don't know how he manages it, but I am a lucky lady!
I have been keeping busy with work and chasing Cora. In my free time I decided to train for the Halloween Half Marathon with my sister. We started out cold turkey, and it was painful. We are not even a week in to training and have 11 weeks left! I am just hoping I can stay motivated to train so I don't embarrass myself!
Our family was able to go to Baker last weekend for Miner's Jubilee. Cora went to her first parade and made quite the haul on the candy front. She had so much fun. I don't know what she liked more, all the people throwing candy at her or waving at all of the horses. Cora also got to enjoy way too many free snowcones (maybe that was her favorite part). It's alway nice to get to go home for a few days. Lucky for us, my parents are coming down to Utah within the week to welcome my newest niece! It seems like my parents have been down at least once a month all summer long and Cora is loving being able to see her grandparents so much.
Hopefully my next post won't be so boring, and maybe it will even have some pictures of my new niece! :)