Monday, June 21, 2010


Excuse me for stating the obvious but running is HARD work. Today I bought a new-to-me jogging stroller and decided to try it out. It has been a long time since I have ran, anyway. Actually I cannot remember the last time that happened, embarrassing enough. In the end I ran just over a 5k. Not too bad, but definitely not where I want to be. Guess I will have to start working out EVERYDAY!!! Ben and I are looking for a marathon to run, because frankly, without a goal, I'm not getting off the couch. Most normal people, especially after having a baby three months ago would pick a more attainable goal, you know, 5k, 10K, or even a half marathon. But no, I'm a freak.

Cora loved her first jog! She was crying when we fir
st put her in the stroller so I was a little nervous that
it wasn't going to go so well but as soon as we started moving she was great. That is until I had to stop and tie my shoe. But other than that she was great and ended up sleeping most the time (I assume, since I was behind the stroller!) I am really excited to start running more, and maybe being able to do p90x...after we get it again since ours has disappeared.

This is the jogger we got. I know its a double jogger but rest assured, we are not planning on filling that second seat anytime in the near future. I decided to get the double jogger because I ended up finding it on KSL cheaper than I have seen many one seaters, and I figure that I could fill that extra seat until we decided to introduce baby number two. I definitely think it was a great $50 investment considering it sells for over $350 online!

1 comment:

  1. nice find! You can use the second seat as a place to put stuff until you have a second baby... or until Cora discovers how to get into things and dump everything out, haha.
