Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So I made a goal to try to write a blog post every day this week since I have been severely slacking the last couple of weeks. But I feel like I have nothing funny, interesting, or even exciting to say. What I do have to say is that I am completely and utterly exhausted. I don't think I have ever been so tired in my life. Sure I have a six month old baby but she is not the problem. In fact she is a great sleeper. She has slept through the night since she was two weeks old. She goes to bed at a decent time (maybe 9 or 10) and she wakes up just when I am wanting to get up (9 or 10 am). So why am I so tired? Well I am working on figuring that out.

In the mean time I am consuming more than my fair share of caffinated beverages and am trying to carry on with my daily activities. Today that included school, school, and more school. I am a teaching assistant for a professor so I had about a bizzilion essays to grade today. I could not believe these people were in college. Half of the writing was horrid! But, being the nice girl that I am, and being in their shoes recently, everyone received good grades. I swear half of what I read were girls telling stories about their boyfriends. Who does that? I would never in a million years write an essay about my boyfriend to turn in for credit. Kids these days! :)

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