Monday, October 11, 2010

Cora is FINALLY feeling better today! Just when I thought I couldn't handle any more, I finally have my smily, giggly girl back! Sick babies are seriously exhausting! I am just so glad she is mostly back to normal. I can't handle her being so sad. The most frustrating part is I had to take her to the doctor 4 times and every time they kept telling me she was fine because she was "very alert" and "her mouth was still wet". After finally convincing them to do some tests the doctors called me back telling me she was so dehydrated she had to be admitted to the hospital. Um go figure? I wouldn't have guessed that since she refused to eat and was throwing up all the time. Hmm. Anyways she is feeling better and I am SO GLAD!

To celebrate Cora feeling better, we went and picked pumpkins!