Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

Theres not to much to report on here for the Spalding family, but I can't complain. I am glad things are somewhat calm around here for a change! Last Thursday we finished up testing for Cora's autism. I thought that we would have results somewhat soon, but what they didn't tell us upfront, is that after all the testing is over there is an 8-week waiting period to get the final results. We've already waited almost five months, what's two more, right? It is frustrating, especially because everyone keeps asking me what the results are, but it makes sense. Each of the team members involved in Cora's case (I think there are about 8 or so) go over her taped play session, and over our formal interview and come up with a report. After that, the pyscologist (autism is technically veiwed as a mental disorder" goes over all the same things and comes up with an official diagnosis. The good news is that we will know where she is on the spectrum and what we can do to help her be successful. I have no doubt in my mind that she's on the spectrum, I am just very anxious to know where she is and how I can help her. With that said, Cora has been growing tremendously! She has learned SEVERAL new words, although she still sticks to mostly one word phrases. At least we are starting to be able to communicate with Cora! Her occupational therapy is helping a lot too, and Ben and I are learning ways to help calm Cora's tantrums.

Because Cora is starting to communicate better, we are thinking that it is time to start potty-training. Cora's therapists all tell me it is too early for her still, but I think she is picking up on it rather quickly. I cannot wait to be done with diapers!

Ben has been keeping super busy with school and work, but he is doing really well with both as well as helping out a ton around the house. It is great! He has to be to work by 5 am, and this morning he woke up extra early to do all of the dishes before he left. I don't know how he manages it, but I am a lucky lady!

I have been keeping busy with work and chasing Cora. In my free time I decided to train for the Halloween Half Marathon with my sister. We started out cold turkey, and it was painful. We are not even a week in to training and have 11 weeks left! I am just hoping I can stay motivated to train so I don't embarrass myself!

Our family was able to go to Baker last weekend for Miner's Jubilee. Cora went to her first parade and made quite the haul on the candy front. She had so much fun. I don't know what she liked more, all the people throwing candy at her or waving at all of the horses. Cora also got to enjoy way too many free snowcones (maybe that was her favorite part). It's alway nice to get to go home for a few days. Lucky for us, my parents are coming down to Utah within the week to welcome my newest niece! It seems like my parents have been down at least once a month all summer long and Cora is loving being able to see her grandparents so much.

Hopefully my next post won't be so boring, and maybe it will even have some pictures of my new niece! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Autism Testing Round 1 and Other News

Finally, after waiting for 4 months, we were able to get Cora in today for the first part of her autism testing. Well, the appointment was actually for last week, and after a huge mixup her appointment was canceled. Long story short, they offered to put her back on the waiting list for the testing, and that just wasn't going to work for us, so Ben and I found some people with decision making power and got Cora in for today. Thank goodness. Not only do I think I would have gone crazy having to wait again for Cora's testing, we really need to get it done as soon as possible so we can expand Cora's services and get her into the classes that are vital for early intervention.

So today was the first half of the test. Basically they just had a bunch of structured and unstructed play time just to get a feel for Cora. They taped the whole sessions, but Cora didn't seemed to mind the camera. She did great. She played just like normal, which I was glad because sometimes she likes to put on a show for strangers. She only had a few small trantrums, but I am glad she did because they need to see what I'm dealing with on a daily basis. Luckily for them, they got the very mild tantrum. I go back in for part 2 of Cora's testing on Thursday. For that session, they sit down and grill me with questions for 2 hours. That should be interesting. Needless to say, we don't have a diagnosis yet. I am hoping we have a definitive answer by the end of the week. Who knows? I am not doubting that she has autism, I am just anxious for her to get the help she needs and curious as to where she falls on the "spectrum". They did however tell me this much, Cora is smart. Very Smart. Ha, tell me something I don't know. You can't fool that girl. She has this weird way of taking everything in. I mean details, details, details. She acts like she is not watching, but she always seems to find where I hid the "no nos". She watches as I make things work, then she makes them work herself. She's amazing.

The thing with autism that I am having the hardest time with is that it doesn't present itself until your baby is a little older. I mean up until Cora was about 20 months, we thought she was perfectly normal developmentally speaking. Up until that point she had hit or even exceeded every developmental milestone (which is impressive given that she was a premie). The all of the sudden someone suggests that our perfect baby isn't perfect. Luckily for us, we still think Cora is perfect. She is improving and learning everyday, we will just have to change how we teach her and help her develop. Thankfully we live in a time where autism reasearch is expanding and that we have access to early intervention that will most likely help Cora to be "mainstreamed" by the time she gets into school.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days

This last weekend we decided to take Cora to her very first carnival, and she had a blast! Ben and I had a really good time watching how much fun she was having (although watching her on all of the rides made me extremely dizzy)! It was a perfect day.

We wanted to take her on the ferris wheel, but it cost $6 a person, and that was just not going to happen, especially because we didn't know how well she would handle being up so high.

This was Cora's very first carnival ride. She is so tall that she got to go on all of the kid rides, and she was so excited about it!

Cora's very first time on the carousel. She has quite the obession with horses, so she was so excited the we let her ride them. This was her favorite of all the rides and she rode it several times. I just love this picture of her and Ben!

Look at that smile on her face!

After all of Cora's carnival excitement, she got to go play with Grandma and Grandpa while Ben and I went to the rodeo, which I failed to get any pictures of.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Bit About Autism

One of the most common things people say to me when I mention that Cora is (most likely) autistic: "I would have never guessed. She's way too smart to be autistic." Yeah, that's what I thought too, before I became educated on what autism is and it's symptoms.

I'll be the first to admit that before I was made aware of Cora's condition, I had heard of autism, but never really knew what it was. I thought I had a general idea, but really I had no idea. In fact, at Cora's 18 month appointment when her doctor first mentioned that he saw some red flags, I thought to myself, "There is no way Cora is autistic. She would look autistic if she was, right?" Seriously!

Anyway, at Cora's 18 month visit, I pretty much dismissed our doctor's concern, figuring that Cora was just a late talker. It was after that 18 month check-up that we decided to get Cora enrolled in early intervention and speech therapy to help aide her in talking. She started speech therapy in November, and come her 24 month appointment in March, she still had not improved. By this time, I was finally starting to get concerned about Cora's development, and even brought it up with her Early Intervention Developmental Coordinator. Her coordinator reasurred me that she had dealt with several kids with autism, and Cora certainly did not have autism.

At Cora's 24 month appointment, her doctor expressed deeper concern in Cora's development (her doctor also has a daughter with autism and is fairly knowlegeble about it) and requested that she get evaluated. Soon after, we had a meeting with the autism specialist at Kids on the Move. Within half an hour of visiting with her, she told me that she was almost positive that Cora was on the "spectrum". Since that time, we have seen a few other doctors to get a 2nd opinion, and they all believe that Cora will be diagonosed with autism. When I first heard the news, I hoped and prayed that they were all wrong. At that point we signed up to have Cora evaluated for an official diagnosis. The four month waiting period has seemed like an eternity, but as we have waited, and as I have become more educated, I can't wait to finally know for sure.

I can't wait to finally be able to explain why Cora has frequent melt downs over seemingly small things (like when she doesn't like the shoes I picked out for her to wear). Why she doesn't usually respond to her name, or acts like she ignores everything. I can't wait to explain why she is OVERLY shy and doesn't want anything to do with strangers. Why she likes sleeping in dog beds. Why she is obsessed with certain inanimate objects. Why she screeches super load when she wants your attention. Why she only eats about ten different foods and won't even try anything else. Why she has to have her schedule. Why she doesn't talk.

It's alway frustrating to me when all people think about when they think about autism is disability, because autistic kids have so many great things about them. One thing that I love about Cora is that you can show her something once and she remembers. For example, every time we go to Costco, the people that check your reciept always offer to draw a smilely face on her hand. Everytime we leave Costco, before we get to the doors she always sticks out her hand awaiting her smiley face. She does not do this at any other store. Its the cutest thing! Cora also loves to put things in order. She's really good at cleaning up because she doesn't like when things are out of order or messy.

The greatest thing is when Cora learns a new word, or learns something for the first time. I feel like we are super aware, because it is a big thing when she learns something new, after much practice and repitition.

Please take the time to become educated about autism by visiting

Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22, 2012

Do you see my fresh new page layout ? Yeah, I needed some motivation to blog as I have been a COMPLETE slacker the last few several months. I am probably talking to myself because who continues to follow a blog thats been on a 6 month hiatus? Seriously, I haven't blogged since Christmas. What the heck, you would think I was busy or least that's my excuse. Needless to say, a lot has been going on in our family since Christmas time. In January I started working full-time for my cousins company. I was really loving my part-time gig I had before, coming and going whenever I pleased, but it was really nice having a full-time pay check. Plus, I got to take Cora to work with me everyday which was a major bonus!

Ben also started going to school part time in January at UVU. He did great in his classes for Winter term, and he is right back at it for the Summer semester. From here on out the plan is for him to go to school year round, as that is the only way that he will get done an any sort of timely fashion. I am so proud of him, though, as I know it is not easy to manage school, a full-time job, a wife, and a two year old. So far he is juggling things great. He has even settled on a degree, computer science (if only I could force him to go and change his major for what I hope is the last time!)

In March we celebrated Cora's 2nd birthday. I am not sure how I feel about this two-year-old business. It seems like the moment she turned two, she turned in to a complete monster. She definitely keeps us on our toes, thats for sure. At her two year check up, her doctor expressed some concerns, because Cora still does not talk, and was behind in several other learning benchmarks. We had her seen by a few other doctors, all who agree that she has high functioning autism. Since that time, Cora has been involved in intensive therapies (occupational, speech, and developmental) to hopefully help teach her some of the skills that she is lacking. We haven't made too much progress on that front, but we are hopeful for the future. In three weeks Cora has the official testing for an autism diagnosis (we've been on a 4-month long waiting list).

Also in March, I was offered a job opportunity that was too good to turn down, so for March, April and May, I worked full time for my cousins and then would come home and work several hours each night for my new part-time job. In May, my part-time job turned into a full-time job offer, one that paid double what I was previously making. Plus, I got to work from home. I know it seems like an offer I couldn't turn down, but it was actually a very tough decision for me. Luckily I have a very supportive husband who told me that it was my decision to make and he would be happy as long as I was. Ultimately I chose to take up the new job offer and I am loving it! It keeps me busy and I feel like I am learning new stuff everyday which is great.

I am sure there have been other updates for our family the last several months, but really, I am finding it hard to remember what happened yesterday (thus the reason I really need to keep up on this blog). Hopefully I will have more pictures and exciting things to share in the near future!