I'll be the first to admit that before I was made aware of Cora's condition, I had heard of autism, but never really knew what it was. I thought I had a general idea, but really I had no idea. In fact, at Cora's 18 month appointment when her doctor first mentioned that he saw some red flags, I thought to myself, "There is no way Cora is autistic. She would look autistic if she was, right?" Seriously!
Anyway, at Cora's 18 month visit, I pretty much dismissed our doctor's concern, figuring that Cora was just a late talker. It was after that 18 month check-up that we decided to get Cora enrolled in early intervention and speech therapy to help aide her in talking. She started speech therapy in November, and come her 24 month appointment in March, she still had not improved. By this time, I was finally starting to get concerned about Cora's development, and even brought it up with her Early Intervention Developmental Coordinator. Her coordinator reasurred me that she had dealt with several kids with autism, and Cora certainly did not have autism.
At Cora's 24 month appointment, her doctor expressed deeper concern in Cora's development (her doctor also has a daughter with autism and is fairly knowlegeble about it) and requested that she get evaluated. Soon after, we had a meeting with the autism specialist at Kids on the Move. Within half an hour of visiting with her, she told me that she was almost positive that Cora was on the "spectrum". Since that time, we have seen a few other doctors to get a 2nd opinion, and they all believe that Cora will be diagonosed with autism. When I first heard the news, I hoped and prayed that they were all wrong. At that point we signed up to have Cora evaluated for an official diagnosis. The four month waiting period has seemed like an eternity, but as we have waited, and as I have become more educated, I can't wait to finally know for sure.
I can't wait to finally be able to explain why Cora has frequent melt downs over seemingly small things (like when she doesn't like the shoes I picked out for her to wear). Why she doesn't usually respond to her name, or acts like she ignores everything. I can't wait to explain why she is OVERLY shy and doesn't want anything to do with strangers. Why she likes sleeping in dog beds. Why she is obsessed with certain inanimate objects. Why she screeches super load when she wants your attention. Why she only eats about ten different foods and won't even try anything else. Why she has to have her schedule. Why she doesn't talk.
It's alway frustrating to me when all people think about when they think about autism is disability, because autistic kids have so many great things about them. One thing that I love about Cora is that you can show her something once and she remembers. For example, every time we go to Costco, the people that check your reciept always offer to draw a smilely face on her hand. Everytime we leave Costco, before we get to the doors she always sticks out her hand awaiting her smiley face. She does not do this at any other store. Its the cutest thing! Cora also loves to put things in order. She's really good at cleaning up because she doesn't like when things are out of order or messy.
The greatest thing is when Cora learns a new word, or learns something for the first time. I feel like we are super aware, because it is a big thing when she learns something new, after much practice and repitition.
Please take the time to become educated about autism by visiting autismspeaks.org.
Cora is so lucky to have such a great mom! I'm sure it's been a bumpy road, but you have such a great attitude about the future. I know it can't be easy all the time, but the way you've chosen to see the positives in the situation is so awesome. I hope that you get some answers and peace of mind with this next appointment.