Today my handsome hubby turned 28 years young (he thinks he's getting old but I still think he's got a ways to go.)
Ben started feeling a little under the weather yesterday so I was worried that he wouldn't be up to celebrating his big day, but luckily he woke up feeling a little better (or so he says.) Like a trooper he got up and headed of to work (did I mention he has to be at work at 5 am?!?) I guess it was a good thing that he had to work though; it gave Cora and I just enough time to head to the store to pick out a few last minute gifts.
I came home and made cauliflower chocolate cake (Ben loves anything healthy and the recipe actually turned out pretty good). Ben's parents came over for cake and to watch Ben open presents. I say he made out pretty well although he wants to take back half of what I got him. It's ok I was prepared for that and saved the reciepts.
Cora and I got him two new pairs of his favorite New Balance running shoes. He is going to need them too as he is already signed up to run 2 marathons this year. I also got him a nice workout jacket (he normally hates jackets but I think this freezing weather helped him change his mind because he actually really liked it). I got him new pants which he needed desperately and some other workout gear because you can't really go wrong with that. I tried to teach Cora to say "Happy Birthday" but instead she says "Happy Daddy to you." Close enough, right?
After cake Ben's parents offered to watch Cora so Ben and I were able to sneak away for a quick birthday date.
So in honor of Ben's birthday I'd like to share 28 things I love about Ben:
1. He is the BEST daddy. In fact, today Cora woke up and looked all over for daddy. She thought he was hiding under the covers and was really sad when she went to scare him and he wasn't there.
2.He always puts my needs before his own, and lets face it, sometime I can be pretty needy and hard to deal with.
3. He is always willing to help others.
4. He can always make me laugh and is such a prankster. Life with him is always interesting and fun!
5. He works harder than anyone I know.
6. He cares so much about others and is always trying to figure out what he can do to make someone else's life a little bit better.
7. He cares about being healthy and keeping his body in good shape.
8. He's hot. :)
9. He loves to learn about new things and he is always telling me interesting facts that he has learned.
10. He loves his family more than anything and would defend them no matter what.
11. He is always the first to apologize, even if he was right.
12. He's always trying to find ways to make me feel good about myself.
13. He supports me 100% in anything that I want to do and reminds me everyday that I can do whatever I put my mind to. He is my number one fan.
14. He shares my values and beliefs.
15. He takes me shopping (even though he hates shopping) just so he can spend more time with Cora and I.
16. He can fix anything. If he doesn't know how to do something he will research it until he's a expert.
17. He sacrifices so Cora and I can have the best of everything.
18. He more than provides for our family and even picks up random jobs just to surprise me with a little extra something.
19. He has handled the news of Cora's autism so well and thinks that she is the most perfect wonderful gift and does everything he can to ensure she is getting all of the help she needs to make her most successful.
20. Even on my worst days, he loves me and puts up with my crazy.
21. He loves my family and fits in perfectly.
22. He loves to dream up brilliant ideas and is wonderful at creating things.
23.He is a risk taker when I would generally take the safe route.
24. His strengths are my weaknesses and he balances me out perfectly.
25. He doesn't allow people to tell him that he can't do something, and if they try, he will prove them wrong.
26. He makes me feel secure and I know that if anything were to happen he would work night and day to provide for our family.
27. He gets me. He knows all my weaknesses and loves me anyway.
28. He loves God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am such a lucky girl to have such an amazing husband and I am thankful everyday that he chose me. Happy birthday Hunny, I love you to the moon and back!
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