Some day I aspire to be this good! You may think it is excessive hoarding but not me. I define this as security. :)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Extreme Couponing
Some day I aspire to be this good! You may think it is excessive hoarding but not me. I define this as security. :)
So this morning I woke up dreading all my laundry that needs folded and put away. I mean I have no motivation to do it.
Will it get done, probably? ...BUT currently Cora is opening every single drawer in my dresser and emptying them. So much for folding and putting away my laundry!
Thanks baby girl.
Will it get done, probably? ...BUT currently Cora is opening every single drawer in my dresser and emptying them. So much for folding and putting away my laundry!
Thanks baby girl.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My Bonus
Ben got a pretty good Christmas bonus this year and being the good man that he is, he is sharing it with me. Not sure how I deserve a bonus yet, but I'll take it! We actually put the majority of it into our savings but we each got a little chunk to spend as well. And after some extensive research I bought this baby:
My new toy should be arriving with perfect timing, this weekend, right after my last final and I have two whole weeks to devote to my new little friend! (Can you tell I am excited?) And the even better news? I had some gift cards that I won on swagbucks which I used to help purchase this little beast. That means I have a little extra money left over to buy something else quite special, something along the lines of this:
If you have never owned a CHI flat iron then you are missing out! These things are seriously the best. I used to have one...and I still would but someone carelessly severed to cord in the bathroom door. (Note to self: NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE LET ANYONE BORROW YOUR CHI FLAT IRON.)
Anyway I am very excited about my new prize, soon to be prizes. And it is not even Christmas. I am going to be dreaming about all the wonderful things I am going to make with my new sewing machine while rocking the flatest hair you can imagine.
And something else exciting...I am going home for Christmas on Sunday and I get to stay for two weeks. I CANT WAIT.
Monday, December 6, 2010
at Target. Well at least thats what everybody thought. So here I am minding my own business, intently scouring the sales racks at target well all of the sudden someones starts to scream. Like the whole store goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop! Crazy considering how many people were crammed into that place today! And then I heard it again, "HELP, HELP, HELP! SHOOOOOOTER!". Then the commotion continued...mothers screaming and shoving small children into any hiding space they could find (I didn't have Cora with me). Being curious I walked closer to where the screams were coming and find a lady laying face down on the floor...but it was a false alarm. Apparently there was no shooter. Some lady just decided to pass out so someone was trying to get help for her. Another clever person decided to escalate the situation by yelling shooter. Clever.
I must say it was quite funny. Guess you just had to be there.
I must say it was quite funny. Guess you just had to be there.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Cora now has two teeth & is still teething pretty hardcore. Let me tell you teething babies are MISERABLE! I have tried everything I can think of to make her feel better and so far NOTHING has worked. So I guess I am just going to have a very cranky baby for a while. Poor little thing.
But in good news Cora can crawl, when there is something she really wants--like the bookshelf. And when she gets to it she can pull herself up and take everything off of it in a matter or seconds. Lets say, she is really keeping me on my toes! She has also learned to clap! She claps when I bring her a bottle, change her diaper, walk into the room...well basically everything. It is quite flattering! And the best news (in my opinion) is that she is starting to take naps in her crib! For a while there I would set her down and she would cry for hours but now she has got it figured out! She cries for about a minute before she is out! It is awesome!
But in good news Cora can crawl, when there is something she really wants--like the bookshelf. And when she gets to it she can pull herself up and take everything off of it in a matter or seconds. Lets say, she is really keeping me on my toes! She has also learned to clap! She claps when I bring her a bottle, change her diaper, walk into the room...well basically everything. It is quite flattering! And the best news (in my opinion) is that she is starting to take naps in her crib! For a while there I would set her down and she would cry for hours but now she has got it figured out! She cries for about a minute before she is out! It is awesome!
Cora playing with her Great Grandpa over thanksgiving.
Cora helping daddy put together his new toolset.
We went to Ben's grandparent's house for thanksgiving. Cora was so excited she basically did not take a nap the whole time we were there. And this is the result. She seriously just fell asleep as she was playing.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ok so this post is a little late coming but better late than never right? But in honor of this great thanksgiving month (did I mention I am SO excited for thanksgiving?) I just want to express some of the things I am thankful for in my life.
Today I am thankful for:
Today I am thankful for:
These two people are my life! I seriously don't know where I would be without either of them.
I am so lucky to have been as my husband, and I don't think I tell him enough! He works so hard to support our family and make it so that I can stay home everyday with my sweet little girl. I mean he is trying to finish his degree in Engineering at BYU but insists on working full time. That means it will take him three years of going to school part time (year round school!) to finish. I am completely capable of getting a job so he doesn't have to work as much but will he let me? Absolutely not. I never could have imagined being with such a perfect man!
And that sweet little girl. Well I love her to death. Although she generally consumes ALL of my time and energy, it is all worth it to watch her learn and grow. I am thankful that I get to stay home with her so I don't have to miss out on anything.
Oh my goodness. Where has my sweet baby gone? The last couple weeks have been MISERABLE! Cora is to a stage where she will not let me leave the room, or set her down for that matter. And when I do she cries and cries and cries. Everyone has told me to just put her in her crib and let her cry it out but so far that has not worked at all! She is so stubborn she will cry until I come and get her. One day she cried for over 4 hours straight. Not very fun. All I know is I hope she gets through this little phase soon because I don't know if I can survive much more. I want my GOOD baby back!
Friday, November 5, 2010
We have got it again. That's right. The flu. Well Ben has managed to avoid it, only suffering from a mild cold. But Cora and I--well you probably don't want to know the details. Its that bad. I have cleaned my sheets several times in the last few days because they have either been thrown up on and even pooped on. Oh the joys. The worst part is, this is the second time in four weeks! Seriously. This could be a long winter.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Anyway we went in search for costumes and turns out there is not much to choose from two days before halloween. Luckily we did find Cora a cute new bumble bee costume. I am going to be a pirate (not to excited about that but I literally had two choices). And Ben, well he found some creepy hanging head that we made into a mask. It turned out really cool and pretty creepy. Cora gets the nastiest look on her face when she sees it. More pictures of that to follow!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Well it looks like we will be here in Utah FOREVER! Ben got re-admitted to BYU yesterday and gets to sign up for classes tomorrow! I am really excited for him to finally be able to go back to school and finish his degree but I sure am ready to get out of here. Originally his major was exercise science, and he only had about 40 credits left to finish. But with his little break, Ben has had a little change in plans and now wants to do manufacturing engineering (which I think will be perfect for him!). The downfall: 88 credit hours to go. With Ben working full time he can only go to school part time. Meaning: WE WONT BE DONE FOR A MINIMUM OF 2.5 years. And that is the minimum. Can I last? I guess I have to. I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it when he is done! So to get things started off, I signed him up for an independent study class which hopefully we can get through in a couple of weeks. (WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THINK A YEAR AGO?)
And for me...I am signing up for one more semester. Thank you college scholarship. I really don't know if it was worth the money I made to go to school for one more semester. I don't think I can handle any more. I can't wait until I am completely done taking classes and have a little more time to do things that I enjoy like cook, craft, read for fun, and most of all snuggle with my sweet baby girl (I already make time for this!) :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Another Rant
Remember how I told you that I hate Gold's Gym. Well I do. And about a week ago I got this letter in the mail from their billing company:
URGENT! This account has been assigned to the Paramount Collections Department. Please be advised that we are committed to making whatever efforts are necessary and proper to effect collection. The balance indicated is now due. We are receptive to any reasonable arrangement but we must have your cooperation. We shall expect the total balance due or a phone call at once.
Balance Due: $0.00
Really? Well that's embarrassing.
Yay, I am back to blogging. My parents left for home yesterday after their week-long visit. I really wanted to pack up and go with them but I couldn't because I have to take a test today. In freaking sewing. Can you tell I am a little bitter? How is it that sewing, of all things, is my hardest, most time consuming class? Anyway, we all had a really good time while my parents were here. I wish we all lived closer...maybe when Ben is done with school we will. Now I have to get back to doing productive things like laundry, homework, cleaning, and all the other fun stuff that I have avoided the last week. I can not wait until Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. That would be good too.
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Its been a while since I have posted but let me tell you I have been busy! My parents have been in town since Sunday so we have been running around spending as much time with them as possible. Cora is loving all of the attention and is being super spoiled, if you could imagine that. She has got them wrapped around her finger and she cant even talk yet! But my parents are here until this Sunday so we are enjoying the time we get to be with them since we don't get to see them very often!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
So we are just sitting here, in the hospital waiting for baby Kayson's arrival! I am trying to work on my homework, since I kinda have a big test tomorrow but it's not really working! I am so excited to have a nephew! And Cora will have someone to play with (once Kayson gets a little bigger at least)! But for now, we continue to wait! :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Cora Goes To The Park
Monday, October 11, 2010
To celebrate Cora feeling better, we went and picked pumpkins!

Dear Gold's Gym,
I. HATE. YOU. Honestly, there are no other words to describe my feelings for you. Your billing system sucks. You are a bunch of crooks who try to steal people's money any way you can. I am so over you.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Cora's Favorite Toy
One more poopy diaper and I am literally going to lose my mind. I should be looking on the bright side that Cora made it through the night without an accident but its hard, especially because she has been pooping for 5 days straight. Every morning I wake up to her pooping. In fact, this morning she did it three times in an hour! At least the vomiting has stopped (knock on wood). I feel sorry for the poor girl. Quite frankly I feel sorry for myself. If anyone has any tips, or would like to change a diaper, please let me know! ;)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I ran today. Yeah that's right. Two days in a row. :) I AM AMAZING. How on earth did I used to run everyday. And several miles at a time. And race? How did I ever run a marathon? This weekend was the two year anniversary since I ran a marathon. I need to do that again someday. Preferably before I have another baby! :) Guess I have to run tomorrow. Not so much looking forward to that but I CAN DO IT!
So last night my new migraine medicine sent me to the ER. Let me tell you, that was fun!
And Cora is still sick. My room and car smell like poop and puke. Let's face it I probably smell like it too. I bathed her but still the stench is there. And its making me want to vom. TMI
Monday, October 4, 2010
It was nice to have such a relaxing weekend. Ben and I were able to watch all the sessions on conference and I really enjoyed it! I have never been super excited for conference before but this time I couldn't wait, and I was not disappointed. The talks were great and helped me realize some things that I need to change in my life. I have got some new goals!
The bad part of our weekend was Cora got sick. And she still is. Its hard to handle because she is so innocent and doesn't understand what is going on. There isn't really much we can give her for her upset stomach. Hopefully she will start to feel better soon, apparently there are a bunch of kids sick, cause when I called the doctor today, they had already had several patients in the same boat.
I had my appointment with the neurologist today. It was pretty insightful and I think we are on the right track to getting everything figured out. He is going to review my MRI to make sure the radiologist didn't miss anything. He also gave me some seizure medicine (which is supposed to help with my almost endless migraines). He also discovered that my blood pressure is really low, which would explain the dizziness, fatigue, etc. It is really nice knowing that it wasn't all in my head and that there really is an explanation to all of the symptoms I have been experiencing!
In other news, Cora is keeping us entertained. He favorite new trick at the moment is to find the wipes container, open in and start pulling them out as fast as she can. Its actually pretty funny to watch! We are going to have our hands full soon because she is starting to get more and more mobile everyday! Oh boy.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Good News!
The MRI came back negative, meaning there are no tumors! That's what I figured in the first place but its always better to be safe rather than sorry right? But the bad news is we still don't know what is making me so sick. All of my blood work came back ok with the exception of my thyroid levels being low--but my doctor doesn't think that is the problem. Now they want me to go to a neurologist. Goodness, it has been a rollercoaster ride for sure. And boy I am glad that I have insurance! So I have an appointment on Monday with the neurologist and hopefully he will be able to shed some light on the problem.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
If I Only Had A Brain!
Oh, but wait, I do! It's been confirmed. And let me tell you its huge! Today I had an MRI to hopefully find out what is causing me to feel so crappy. It was not the most pleasant experience, that is for sure! I never knew that I am claustrophobic, but I think I am. There is something really creepy about being stuck in a tight space where you can't move. I can't believe I lasted 35 minutes in that thing. It is definitely something I never want to do again. And definitely not what I wanted to do with a raging migraine either! That machine is loud! Anyway, we find out the results tomorrow.
What to Do, What to Do?

Monday, September 27, 2010
Biggest Loser
So one of mine and Ben's favorite show to watch is the Biggest Loser and Season 11 is finally here! And while we were watching the premiere the other night, I heard something really interesting: 2/3 of Americans are obese. Not just overweight but obese. That is really sad! So I started looking around me thinking if this statistic was right, approximately 66 of every hundred people that I see are severely overweight. How did our country get that way? Anyways it makes me really self conscious--not only do I want the image that comes with being obese, but I can't imagine being stuck with the health problems that come with it! I have made some personal goals to work out more and eat healthier everyday. I need to be an example to my family to help stop this epidemic. I came across this video the other day and it was really inspiring to me. If people can lose hundreds of pounds to be healthy, I can suck it up and lose these few extra pregnancy pounds. No problem.
Well, Cora does at least. I mean, she is super obsessed with it! Whenever we are out her favorite toy to play with is mine (or daddy's) cell phone. But her favorite thing ever are computers. When she sees a keyboard she goes nuts! This weekend she was kind of under the weather after all of her shots (not her usual hyper self) but anytime she saw a computer she perked right up. I was in my professors office the other day with her and she tried to jump over the desk just to reach the keyboard. Nothing else is as cool. Not the TV, not her toys, not mommy, not daddy. She's hooked! What a geek.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Our little girl is getting HUGE! I took her to her 6 month check up today (really 6 1/2 months) and I cannot believe how big she is. She now weighs 16 pounds 12 ounces! HOLY HUGE! I mean that is only the 57% percentile but that is WAY up from where she was a few months ago (2nd percentile). And let me tell you she is TALL!! She jumped from the 19% percentile last appointment to the 77% percentile! :) Go girl. If she keeps going at this rate she will be full grown next year! Anyway the poor thing had to have 5 shots today-including a flu shot and so she has been really fussy. She only cried for a second though and recovered as soon as I picked her up! She is tough as nails. I still cry when I get shots! (Not really but almost). I am so glad we have a healthy little girl!
Oh and other good news--baby Kayson (our soon to be nephew) is almost here! Joey is due in three weeks and I am really excited for Cora to have someone else to play with!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
So I made a goal to try to write a blog post every day this week since I have been severely slacking the last couple of weeks. But I feel like I have nothing funny, interesting, or even exciting to say. What I do have to say is that I am completely and utterly exhausted. I don't think I have ever been so tired in my life. Sure I have a six month old baby but she is not the problem. In fact she is a great sleeper. She has slept through the night since she was two weeks old. She goes to bed at a decent time (maybe 9 or 10) and she wakes up just when I am wanting to get up (9 or 10 am). So why am I so tired? Well I am working on figuring that out.
In the mean time I am consuming more than my fair share of caffinated beverages and am trying to carry on with my daily activities. Today that included school, school, and more school. I am a teaching assistant for a professor so I had about a bizzilion essays to grade today. I could not believe these people were in college. Half of the writing was horrid! But, being the nice girl that I am, and being in their shoes recently, everyone received good grades. I swear half of what I read were girls telling stories about their boyfriends. Who does that? I would never in a million years write an essay about my boyfriend to turn in for credit. Kids these days! :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Big Girl
My little Cora monster is now eating solids--somewhat. She has graduated from the pureed food and can now eat small chunks of things! Its great! The only thing is, she gets so excited when she eats that she will scream at me if I am not fast enough for her. She's not very patient. And she gets what she wants when she wants it apparently. But I am still excited that she is getting to eat "big girl food". She finally has her six month doctors appointment on Friday. I will be surprised if she doesn't break the scales! She is seriously getting so big--and fast. She went from being in the 2nd percentile to probably the 50th percentile in just a few short months. Where is my tiny baby going?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Baby Hungry
...not me--just to clarify.
But I swear half the people I know are pregnant and the other half are men.
We are not planning on another baby for a while. Key word here PLANNING.
Right now one baby is more than enough for me. The past 195 days that I have had her here with me have been some of the best. She is happy, fun, and well lets face it lots of work! I can't even imagine having two of them right now.
So this post is a little reminder (mostly for myself) that babies are HARD WORK. Hopefully I wont get too baby hungry with all these soon-to-be newborn babies!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Very Naughty Girl
Ah! Cora is a very naughty girl! Today she finally learned that she can scoot/crawl to the things that she wants. So I am upstairs making lunch and Cora is laying on my bed playing with her toys. I was pleasantly surprised that she wasn't crying and was happily entertaining herself. After a few minutes I decide to walk downstairs to check on her because she was just being too good. As I get to the bottom of the stairs I hear a man's voice coming from my room. I was a little startled but I walked into the room anyway. What do I find? Cora has crawled to my wireless keyboard and was happily pressing ever key. She has been eying this toy for a while and was screaming with delight that she had finally gotten ahold of it. Well what about the man in my room right? Well she somehow managed to turn on the voiceover feature on the computer. I have no idea how she did it or how I am supposed to turn it off. This voiceover reads every word on the page. Nothing I do can get it to turn off. In fact, I have typed this whole entry with the man copying me. Ugh. The moral of the story--never leave Cora unattended. She is VERY NAUGHTY.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It seems like everyday I want something different to happen in my life. Lately I have been going crazy staying at home so much (it has helped since I started school and can get out of the house a little bit). A few weeks back I decided that I should apply for some jobs so that I could make some money, get some more work experience, and get out of the house more. And now I have two interviews. One with an engineering firm as an Administrative Assistant--and one with Intermountain Health care. By no means are these my dream jobs but they are pretty good companies to work for, they have good pay, and they would give me an opportunity to use my talents. But the more I think about leaving Cora at day care for 8-10 hours out of the day--well I just can't do it. I am more attached to her than I previously thought. Even leaving her for a few hours three nights a week is pretty rough for me. I see babies and strollers on campus and I wish that I could just bring her with me. So needless to say--I have turned both interviews down. I may be crazy but I know its best right now for me to stay home with my little girl.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For some reason Ben thought Cora needed a twin so he shaved his head--bald. Maybe it was my fault because I suggested that he needed a haircut but it was too late at night and I was tired so I let it go. The next morning I wake up to Ben giving himself a haircut. It looked nice when I saw it--a little short but nice (he had some hair on his head when I saw it). So seeing that he had it under control I went back to sleep. When Ben came home from work there it was--a very bald head. Maybe I should shave my head too so my whole family can share the lovely hairdo.
Holding Out
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I am SOOOO proud of myself. Ben has needed/wanted new boots for a while now. I was planning on getting him a nice pair for Christmas and I scored big time! I got him the same exact pair that he already owns (except his are nearly ripped to shreds and covered in grease). He loves those boots! And the best part is that he bought them for $150 and I scored these on major clearance because they only had a few sizes left! Good thing for me Ben has small feet! And how much did I pay for them? Yeah, thats right--$35. And did I mention I got free shipping? :)
Can I just say that I am happy today. Happy that it's not yesterday--cause that was one of the worst days in a VERY long time. Why is it that when you are already having a bad day about a million other bad things happen to you? Let's see, to start Ben and I bought a car and it ended up not being what we wanted so we had to spend 5 hours yesterday at a car dealership figuring out what we want. I should be happy about that right, cause I mean we got a new car and it is something that we really like! (Actually at first I was skeptical because it was a stick shift, but it turns out--I CAN DRIVE A STICK!). Anyways that was not fun, we had to redo all the financing stuff and I hate that. I hate owing people. It is the worst feeling ever. I don't know what I am going to do when we decide to buy a house. I think that if money didn't exist in the world, I would be a much happier woman! Anyways I had to miss my class yesterday since we had to get the car thing figured out. That's not too bad right? Well actually it is. I can only miss once class for "free" without getting a large amount of points deducted from my grade--not that my grade really matters. Guess my schedule is filled for the next 13 Wednesdays. So we finally get done at the dealership and I go to get in the car. Then guess what? MY PANTS CATCH ON SOMETHING AND TOTALLY SPLIT! (luckily on the outer leg seam). An optimist would look on the bright side, at least we were heading home right. Yesterday was not an optimistic day. Oh and then I get home and I had lost my retainer. Yeah the one we just paid $150 to replace. Don't worry, I found it--but not yesterday. Not too many things make me hysterical but with everything compounding on each other caused me to explode. So my question: how do you keep a positive attitude when you are having what you think is the worst day in history?
Happy 6 Months

Ok so I know I have been very good at neglecting my blog lately but I just couldn't miss this one! Today my little (BIG) Cora is 6 months old. Can you believe it? I am still trying to accept the facts. Six more months and she will be a whole year old. Wow, you've heard it a million times before but it truly goes by SO fast. I can't believe it. Cora has learned so much: she rolls over all the time, she is 15 pounds and has moved up to size 3 diapers which she will probably been in for the next year..., she loves the sound of her own voice, she sits up on her own very well, she is eating more big girl food and thinks that she has to do it all by herself (she is not very good at that!), she gives high fives, and she is now working on the whole crawling thing. Oh and I can't forget, the little baldy is working on getting more hair. I can wait until it is actually long enough for me to do something with it. Also, Cora is already a little flirt and is the object of much desire to some cute little boys at church. One of the little boys even said "She likes me, and I think I like that!". Oh wow. We are in for some big trouble, that is for sure.
One last little note: no teeth. No sign of teething. No problem. :) Yet...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Blonde Moment
So yesterday, I am driving back from my orthodontist appointment in Spanish Fork. As I am getting on the freeway a police officer speeds by me with his lights on. About a minute later I was in bumper to bumper traffic that was basically stopped. The nearest exit was closed and I was in the farthest lane away from the exit so I accepted my fate and sat there for a half an hour. Not to bad for a rollover wreck right? Well as I am sitting there a life flight helicopter lands right next to me, thats beside the facts but it was pretty cool so I thought I would throw that in there. Anyway I hear someone listening to hispanic music really loudly--I look to my left old, non-hispanic man in a pick up truck. Couldn't really figure out why he would be listening to the music, especially so loud, but oh well. Soon I approached the wreck, which happened to be on the other side of the freeway (yep, I was stopped for half an hour so nosy people could stop and see what was happening on the OTHER side of the road!) I finally get out of the traffic jam, off of the freeway, and almost home and guess what I hear? Loud mexican music. On MY radio. Ooops.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Dang it! My summer is basically OVER as of tonight. Well I have the weekend of course but that doesn't really count. And then it is back to school again! As if life isn't busy enough huh? I feel like I never see my husband as it is but soon he will be working all day, I will kiss him goodbye as we trade off the baby and I run out the door to make it to class on time and maybe he will get a kiss before bed (if were lucky). The plan was to take mostly fun classes sprinkled with some prereqs for MBA school. I didn't really want to leave Cora with a babysitter so I decided to plan my classes only at night (plus as of right now, we only own one car making it difficult for me to go to school when Ben has the car at work)! As it turns out all of the night classes are at the same time. Tuesday and Thursday nights. What does that leave for Monday and Wednesday night? Thats right. Math. I promised myself that I would never take another math class yet that is what I am signed up for as of now. I am trying desperately to find something, anything else. Gah. This isn't looking so fun after all but you see I already spent all that extra tuition money on a new iMac! Was it worth it. Definitely yes.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Movie Review
So yesterday on our "sick day" Cora and I took advantage of our free Netflix trial and watched two movies: UP! and Sunny With a Chance of Meatballs. I must say that I really loved both movies. They were so cute! Up is quite possibly my favorite animated movie EVER! It is seriously so cute. Sunny With a Chance of Meatballs is up there too! :) What will I watch today? Any suggestions?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Oh boy, I just signed up for a free 2 week subscription to Netflix. You know where to find me for the next 14 days! Snuggled up in my bed, with my little one, in front of my 27 inch computer monitor watching the latest and greatest. No but really, that is the plan for today. Cora has had a little cold for the past few days so we are trying to help her get some rest today. What a perfect way to spend the day! As for the other 13 days, well that was just wishful thinking. I think we will start with Up!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Scott Pilgrim VS The World
Can I just say that this happens to be the dumbest movie that I have ever seen in my entire life! Wow. Did I really just spend money to see that? So take my advice and SPARE yourself. It was really that bad. I wasn't really sure what I was getting myself into when I offered to take my sister in law to the movies. But its not her fault. The previews are misleading. Yeah I laughed a few times but wow. I am still in awe of its stupidity.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My Wishlist
This is bad news. There are a few things I decided that I really want right now but they are definitely not needs! The good news is that my wishlist is not long...well it probably could be longer ;). But the bad news is that everything that I want is pretty pricey. Dang. I guess I will have to prioritize. Here is the list:
1) A new computer. The biggest problem here is I can't decide whether I want a Mac or a PC. I have a Mac now and I love it, but they are SOOOO spendy. I guess we will have to see. Also since I have a Mac now, I am not really sure how to transfer all of my info to a PC. Probably should figure that out.
2) I want a new digital SLR camera. I don't need something super fancy, just something that I can take some nice pictures with.
3) Photoshop. This kind of goes along with the last one.
Guess it is time to start saving!
I am a blog slacker. Really. But it has been a busy busy week! Hopefully things will start to calm down soon and I will have more time to blog. (Wishful thinking since school starts in a week and a half). Oh well.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Child Proofing
Ok! Big news! Cora is now rolling over consistently. Next, she will be crawling. If she could figure out the whole arm thing, she would already be moving. Boy are we in trouble. Before we know it, she will be into everything! Time to start baby proofing.
Also, we spent the weekend up in Teton Valley, Idaho for a family reunion. We had a great time, but more on that tomorrow. It is bed time!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Eyes Bluer Than The Sky
Ok. So the whole time I was pregnant, I was hoping that my little one would have blue eyes like her daddy. I wasn't really counting on it though, since I have very brown eyes--and let's face it, brown eyes are definitely dominant. Well, I definitely got a blue-eyed girl and I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse! Everyone comments on how blue her eyes are. People have been asking Ben if he has a baseball bat to beat off the boys. Oh man. I think we may be in trouble!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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