I am EXCITED! I (finally) took the plunge into cloth diapers, well I at least have them on order from Ebay! Why didn't I do this earlier? Oh I know--cause those puppies are so expensive! I know regular diapers are expensive too, but I have managed to get them pretty cheap with coupons so I haven't really felt bad about doing it. Also, I thought cloth diapers would be gross so I didn't really want to deal with that, not to mention at the time Cora was born we didn't have a washer and dryer. But now I am ready to do this thing. The diapers I bought were only $4 each so I am a little skeptical (considering many brands are $15+ per diaper, but they had great reviews so I have high hopes! Wish me luck!
Recently I found out about this sweet little site called ThredUp where you can buy/send gently used clothing for kids (and it even has some stuff for momma). I got my first box on Monday and it was awesome! I have another one on its way that is full of brand new baby girl stuff with tags on it (great because Ben's boss and one of his co-workers are both expecting baby girls soon! Pretty cheap baby gift if you ask me! Anyway the site is awesome, you should check it out! I am pretty much sold on it.
Let me know how those cloth diapers go! You are brave. =]