Thursday, February 10, 2011


So I think it is about time that I get a few new friends. Sounds pathetic, I know--but it's true! Before Ben and I got married I was pretty social and I had what I thought was quite a few friends. The only problem was the majority of my friends were male. You don't really hang out with too many of your male friends after you are married. It just doesn't really work that way. Another problem...most of my female friends are at a totally different stage of life than I am--single. And the biggest problems many of my friends have moved away from Utah or are on missions.

After I got married I didn't really care about hanging out with friends much because I would have rather spent time with Ben anyways. Now that Ben is in school, has to study tons, works full time, and is training for a marathon among other things--well that doesn't really leave much time for him to hang out with me.

Sometimes you just need someone to go shopping with. Maybe even have a date night...Anyone that actually can talk really would do. But where do you find such friends? Obviously I have no clue. I thought that maybe I could find some friends at church but no. We are living in Ben's parent's basement right now and everyone seems to be so much older than me and also in different stages of their life. I can only see my loneliness getting worse in the next few months as I stop taking classes and really have no contact with the outside world. Poor me. Someone help me find some friends!


  1. I'm right here chica! I love you. It just sucks that we live a state away. You are welcome to come visit ANYTIME!

  2. So for a while I stopped getting your updates on my news feed and it said your last one was 3 months ago and I was like... that's not right. Turns out you just went private :P But hey! You should know you still have friend here too :] I don't think we've seen each other in like two years, but we should get together sometime, I haven't even met Cora!! And I can talk, so I think I at least meet the minimum requirement :P haha
