Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So yesterday, after much debate I decided to go to class (I had NO motivation to do anything let alone sit in a typically boring class for an hour and a half) and I am glad that I did. We were talking about the quote "I think therefore I am" and its origin--Descartes was sitting one day trying to decide what he could actually know for himself and basically the thing he came up with was that he was capable of thought so he knew he must exist. From this topic we moved to Descartes belief in the existence of God. He said "Consider your human experience. Does anything within any aspect of your life rise to perfection?" The obvious answer here is no. Perfection is not a feature of earthly life; there are flaws in EVERYTHING. How then do we as humans come up with this idea of perfection? It is because God exists that we can be aware of perfection! I thought that this was really insightful for me and helped me realize that I need to stop trying to make things perfect in my life because NOTHING in this earthly life is perfect! I am grateful to know that one day I will be able to return and live with my Heavenly Father and know what perfection truly is.

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