Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Copy Cat

Cora is turning into a copy cat. I stick my tongue out at her, she sticks hers out at me. I make noises with my tongue...she does the same. It is the funniest thing ever. When I have my camera cord I will have to put up a video. Also she is rolling and getting better at sitting. We are in for some trouble because I have a feeling she will be crawling soon. She is just such a sweet little thing. Today, since I can't really get up, she cuddled with me, we watched an episode of Baby Einsteins three times in a row (yes, its the only episode we have) and then she fell asleep with me in the middle of All Dogs Go To Heaven. She is learning new tricks everyday. I guess I better be careful what I do around her because she may end up learning some bad habits since she is such a good copycat.

1 comment:

  1. You...bad habits? No way. I honestly don't think you have any bad habits. =]
